There are always processing problems


Recycling waste paper is the right way to solve the problem associated with waste generation. However, not all paper waste can be easily recycled, like double-lined-kraft or, for example, office paper. Today, there are various technologies that allow the processing process to be successfully carried out. Moreover, modern factories are equipped with good equipment capable of coping with the task. However, processing problems remain. For example, it is very difficult to recycle moisture-resistant waste paper. It takes more time and effort to achieve results. It is necessary to use special oxidizing agents and reagents. Their use often negatively affects the quality of the resulting material. However, processing technologies are evolving. Therefore, there is hope that very soon such difficulties will become a relic of the past.

Why do they make paper moisture resistant? There are many reasons for this. There is a need in the market for appropriate materials. In particular, these are the same wallpapers that have a non-woven base, or moisture-resistant packaging that protects the contents from contact with moisture. If moisture-resistant paper suddenly comes into contact with water, it will not change its properties. However, it is the coating that provides moisture resistance that creates problems for processors. Any paper, be it moisture-resistant or ordinary, becomes waste paper over time. And there is a need to process it. We can only hope that a method will be developed that will allow the processing process to be carried out with a minimum of damage to the final material.

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