Experts claim that the waste paper recycling services market will grow by 6.3 percent each year. In 7 years, its volume in monetary terms will be more than 85 billion US dollars. Various types of waste paper will be in demand, including OCC 11 waste paper. This is an expected forecast. Because developed countries are seriously considering reducing the negative impact on the environment due to the increase in the volume of waste generated.
It should be noted that the waste paper recycling market has been actively growing in recent years. Therefore, it is logical to assume that it will continue to grow in volume. There is no reason why it would begin to decrease, especially in light of the active movement towards improving the situation related to the processing of waste generated. Paper in any form is used today in many industries. The same cardboard is actively used for packaging goods and various products. This is environmentally friendly packaging that can be successfully recycled. However, after use, it becomes waste. And it needs to be recycled so that used packaging does not end up in landfills. Accordingly, due to recent trends, it will be sent for recycling, which will affect the increase in the market volumes of services provided by recycling plants.