Retail companies choose packaging made from recycled waste paper

packaging from OCC 12

In developed countries of the world, large companies involved in trade have decided to abandon plastic packaging. Replace plastic with packaging made from recycled waste paper. As you know, waste paper, including OCC 12, allows it to be recycled and put back into production. Very often, packaging for goods is made from recycled waste paper – the same cardboard boxes. Such packaging material is environmentally friendly and can be recycled again, thereby preserving the forest fund, as well as reducing the cost of resources and energy that are required to make paper from wood.

An example of large companies that have decided to abandon plastic packaging is Amazon. Company representatives have already stated that they have already begun the transition to packaging made from recycled waste paper. The basis is environmental reasons. The company stands for a clean environment, which adds to its advantages as an entity in the business world. Plastic was used to protect goods from damage during delivery. But it was decided to use material from recycled waste paper to a greater extent in order to, if possible, get rid of all the plastic that is used during transportation.

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