Recyclers around the world are concerned about recycling paper that has had photocopying ink applied to it. Some types of such ink are quite difficult to remove. This is where quality recycling comes in. There are many types of recycled paper, including SBS Solid Bleached Sulfate, that do not contain hard-to-remove ink. However, there is also waste paper that is difficult to recycle because it contains the printing of modern inks used in photocopiers. Will recyclers be able to find a solution?
Scientists are currently actively looking for ways to remove complex ink from waste paper. This indicates that work on quality recycling is developing. Over the past decades, effective solutions have been found that allow recyclers to implement them in their production and obtain quality materials suitable for the manufacture of new paper. We are confident that scientists will cope with their task this time too. The main thing is to support them in their desire to find effective and environmentally friendly solutions. We know that developed countries are working to support scientists involved in recycling. We need to support everyone who works hard in the recycling industry and helps it develop, because the cleanliness of our world depends on our joint efforts.