Indian books will be made from waste paper


One of the Indian companies has made an important decision. Now it will produce books from recycled paper. Book products will consist of 100 percent recycled paper. Already begin the first stage of transition to another type of production. The first books made from recycled paper began to be published. As representatives of the Indian company say, they understand how important it is to do this, because in this way they will be able to reduce the amount of waste that pollutes the environment.

For the production of book products, high-quality raw materials are purchased. Purchases are made in India, from an enterprise that processes paper waste. By the way, it should be recalled that India is actively moving towards recycling. Recycling enterprises from this country purchase waste paper not only from the local market, but also enter the international market in order to purchase waste paper in bulk, including OCC12 and other types of waste paper raw materials. We, as a waste broker, are supporting an Indian book manufacturer who has decided to make their products from waste paper. Our company is active in the international market. We have clients from India who partner with us to supply recycled materials. We serve them with pleasure.

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