India increases recycling volumes of waste paper

dlk paper

We periodically monitor what is happening with the waste paper recycling industry in the world and in individual countries. The European Union and the UN often address environmental issues related to waste reduction, including paper waste. At the level of individual states, processing problems are also being solved and the development of this area is being monitored. Expert reports indicate that the volume of recycled paper, including DLK paper, has clearly increased in recent years. All related factors that can affect the result of activities aimed at combating waste reduction are taken into account.

As a result of monitoring what is happening in the field of waste paper recycling, it turned out that in India the volume of turnover in which paper waste is involved has increased. Indian enterprises currently process about 12,000,000 tons of paper raw material per year. In terms of the level of recycling, India can confidently say that the country has risen to the same level as developed countries. At the same time, there are still many things that Indian processors need to improve and develop. Because if India has achieved 57% recycling, then Europe, in turn, has already reached 70 percent. Japan has a higher figure – 80 percent. We support India and wish its processors continued success!

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