The Chinese authorities’ ban on waste paper imports continues to reduce global trade volumes of this product. This is quite logical, since until recently China purchased a lot of secondary paper raw materials for recycling purposes. However, the country’s authorities decided that the level of pollution in the country is growing. And local processors should actively use the waste paper that is generated in the country, and not import it from abroad, aggravating the current situation.
The volume of world trade due to this ban has already decreased by more than 40 percent. However, there are still countries in the world that are not following a similar path. Thus, print cuttings waste paper recycling Vancouver is in demand, purchases are also made in Canada, and waste paper is sent wholesale to other countries. But China’s influence, as we know, is quite large. Therefore, messages constantly appear on the Internet that the import of waste paper, a ban on which the Chinese authorities introduced, continues to reduce the volume of world trade in secondary paper raw materials.