Indian books will be made from waste paper

One of the Indian companies has made an important decision. Now it will produce books from recycled paper. Book products will consist of 100 percent...

Waste policy requires global change

Many countries share the view of the European Union that significant changes need to be made to waste management policies. The European Union itself is...

America Recycles Day – good traditions

Recycling is supported throughout the world. In America, in particular, global steps are being taken in this area. This country even celebrates America Recycles Day....

New processing plant coming to Australia

New processing plants are opening all over the world. Now a new enterprise will soon be built in Australia that will recycle used paper. This...

The waste paper import market will grow

An important event took place in the United Arab Emirates. A worldwide convention has been held regarding waste paper recycling. Findings were announced that indicate...

Recycling is important for business

Developed countries have long understood how important it is to recycle waste, in particular waste paper. As practice shows, recycling is important not only for...