Imagine sipping your latte and munching on the cup after – no mess, no landfill, just pure sustainability. That's the vision driving Good-Edi, an Australian...
Waste brokers promote recycling
Waste brokers, which also includes our company, are essentially the engines of progress in the recycling industry. Because they help everyone who wants to buy...
Prices for waste paper depend on many factors
The price of waste paper of certain types is unstable. The cost parameter is influenced by many factors. In particular, it could even be some...
India successfully recycles waste paper
India continues to make progress in recycling paper waste, including OCC 11 waste paper. Analysts say the country may already be recycling more than 2,000...
Top 5 Paper Recycling Discoveries of 2023
In 2023, the paper recycling industry made significant progress in developing new technologies and processes These discoveries have the potential to revolutionize the way we...
What awaits us in 2024?
The new year 2024 is coming, which will definitely bring new goals and new plans. We, as a waste broker, wish all our clients success...
India increases recycling volumes of waste paper
We periodically monitor what is happening with the waste paper recycling industry in the world and in individual countries. The European Union and the UN...
Nanotechnology for Enhancing Waste Paper Recycling Efficiency
In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged as a game-changer in various industries, and its application in waste management, particularly paper waste recycling, is gaining significant...
Waste paper – good news
News constantly appears that new processing plants are opening in one country or another around the world. There is another good news. One of the...
The waste problem in Europe is growing
Despite the efforts of the European Union, the problem associated with waste management is growing. Regarding waste paper and plastic, we can say that a...