Asia is striving to increase recycling volumes

print paper cuttings recycle

Some Asian countries are striving very hard to increase recycling volumes. In addition, systems are being introduced that help improve the quality of the recycling process. For example, in Japan, paper is carefully sorted at the waste generation level. As a result, those interested in, for example, print paper cuttings recycle, receive high-quality secondary raw materials. Accordingly, the better the secondary paper raw materials, the easier it is to recycle. Most of the waste is eventually successfully converted into materials suitable for further production.

In turn, some Asian countries even claim that they have overtaken large countries in recycling volumes. Thus, South Korea claims that it has overtaken both the United States and Japan in this area. However, it is known that in South Korea, the tool for separate waste collection practically does not work, which ultimately leads to waste paper contamination. And contaminated waste paper, as you know, is almost impossible to recycle. It is important to consider not the quantity of recycled waste, but its quality. After all, the quality of recycling determines whether it will be possible to offer the consumer a material that can be used in a new production process.

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