Paper packaging problems remain

OCC12 waste paper

European countries are concerned about the growing interest in environmentally friendly packaging. As is known, such products can be made from waste paper, including OCC12 and other types of used cardboard. Therefore, there is a need to fundamentally revise approaches to the disposal of paper waste. Statistics show that a lot of used paper remains unrecycled. There are many reasons for this. One of them is the mixing of paper waste. And for processors, it is important to receive the most sorted raw materials for more successful implementation of production tasks.

It was concluded that it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure high-quality sorting of paper at paper raw material collection points. This is the only way to provide processors with the volume of products they need, which they can successfully recycle and get more material suitable for the manufacture of new packaging. Manufacturers of various products today want to use environmentally friendly packaging products, which is understandable, since this not only improves their image, but also contributes to the development of a clean world.

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