And again about China. The ban of the Chinese authorities on the import of secondary paper raw materials has already affected the world market for waste paper. Trade has decreased in volume by 42 percent. Researchers from China analyzed the volumes of waste paper raw materials purchased by China before the above-mentioned ban. Then they took the periods of the previous two years and compared them. As a result, it turned out that Chinese buyers accounted for more than 40 percent of purchases. Accordingly, the world trade in waste paper has decreased by this share, this conclusion is easy to make, since the Chinese previously willingly bought secondary paper raw materials abroad, made purchases of waste paper in Vancouver, in other regions.
Of course, we are not talking about all grades. Some grades of waste paper are still imported to China. But regarding exports, it is worth noting that the PRC continues to supply a lot of waste paper raw materials abroad, which is quite logical. In China, as in other large countries, a lot of garbage is generated, including the same used paper. However, for their own recycling needs, the Chinese do not have enough waste paper raw materials. Previously, they imported some grades of better quality from abroad. Now, due to the ban, this is impossible, which has a rather negative impact on the activities of Chinese processors.