As you know, China is a major supplier of waste paper. However, it is not considered a buyer. Several years ago, the government banned the import of recycled paper from other countries. However, processors faced difficulties, as they lack quality waste paper of certain grades to more successfully solve production problems. The ban is quite justified. Since China itself generates a huge amount of waste paper, it is this paper that must be worked with to ensure the cleanliness of the surrounding world. However, the ban turned out to be the wrong decision not only for recycling companies that want to produce quality material from OCC11 and other grades of waste paper.
Experts have already assessed the risks of the above ban. Recycling lower quality waste paper requires more energy. In addition, the recycling process is accompanied by the emission of a larger amount of harmful substances, which was clearly not the goal of government authorities who introduced the ban on imported waste paper. What will happen in the future? Now, primarily environmental risks have been assessed, and they are clearly disappointing. Most likely, the Chinese authorities will need to reconsider their decision regarding the ban on the use of imported waste paper in recycling production.