Recycling of waste paper is economically justified

old corrugated cardboard

Recycling of used paper is an economically justified process. The reason for this is the demand for secondary raw materials, including old corrugated cardboard, in the paper and pulp industry. There is a shortage of primary raw materials all over the world. It is obtained from wood, and, as you know, wood is a very valuable product. Its price is rising because trees do not have time to grow as quickly as they are cut down. As a result, paper manufacturers are faced with the need to look for a replacement for primary raw materials. And they have found it a long time ago. This is a product obtained as a result of recycling waste paper.

The economic justification for recycling waste paper is that paper manufacturers can not only replenish the market with the necessary amount of products that modern consumers are interested in. They are operating in sufficient volumes to be among the fully functioning market entities. But in addition to successful business, paper manufacturers have the opportunity to reduce prices for their products, because secondary raw materials are much cheaper than primary ones. Buyers are interested in lower prices. They are more willing to buy products, and of very good quality, but pay less for them. As a result, product turnover increases. The economy of any country only benefits from such a situation.

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