Paper packaging is an environmental threat

dlk paper

European countries are currently addressing the issue of eliminating plastic packaging. The solution is to replace plastic with environmentally friendly paper. However, experts believe that the market for disposable paper packaging needs to be regulated. Because with a massive refusal of plastic, another danger will arise – the volume of garbage will increase, but this time it will be paper. Is disposable paper packaging an environmental threat? With proper handling of such waste, namely when recycling is activated, we can confidently say that there is no threat as such.

It is important to understand that today paper packaging is increasingly being made from recycled waste paper, including DLK paper. Accordingly, after use it can be recycled again. The main thing is to establish a continuous process. Used packaging products must be sent for recycling, where they will be made into material suitable for further production. Of course, Europe’s fears are justified. Consumption is increasing, which means more packaging is required for the products consumed. By giving up plastic, you will have to deal with an increase in paper waste. However, with a competent approach, this problem will be effectively solved.

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