China needs paper raw materials

DLK paper

Analysts say that China’s pulp and paper industry is developing rapidly. This country has become the largest paper producer in the world. However, local manufacturers do not have enough paper fiber. Many types of paper today are made from waste paper, including DLK paper. The Chinese, of course, know this. Waste paper allows you to make cheaper paper. However, as the situation shows, Chinese manufacturers working in the pulp and paper industry are sorely short of raw materials. At the same time, if you visit large Chinese trading platforms where goods are offered in bulk, you will see many offers for the supply of waste paper in bulk. However, more often sellers want to cooperate with foreigners and supply them with paper raw materials.

But there is another problem. China does not have the capacity to produce virgin pulp because there is not enough forest land. But wood, as you know, is the raw material for the production of primary cellulose. Therefore, if we talk about the fact that paper producers in China are experiencing a shortage of raw materials, then in this case we are talking precisely about the fact that there is no wood that could be used for paper production. There is a lot of waste paper, but no wood. Therefore, Chinese manufacturers of paper, which is made from virgin cellulose, have to look for ways to solve their problem. One option for solving a difficult problem is to purchase the required volume of raw materials in other countries. But such raw materials are expensive. Wood has long been a valuable product, so it is not possible to buy it cheap.

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