Waste paper – good news

OCC 12 waste paper price

News constantly appears that new processing plants are opening in one country or another around the world. There is another good news. One of the American companies decided to open a factory that will produce recycled paper. The manufacturing facility must be built in Utah. Its area was planned to occupy 80 acres of land. The plant will produce 1,000 tons of paper intended for packaging various products.

Such news is not uncommon. All over the world, factories are opening, the purpose of which, in essence, is to reduce the amount of paper waste that accumulates. Despite the development of electronic means of communication and communication, paper continues to be produced. Various products are made from it, including packaging. However, as practice shows, paper products today can be successfully made from recycled secondary raw materials. It is good to see news about the opening of new processing plants, as well as factories that will specialize in the production of products from recycled paper raw materials. In addition, OCC 12 waste paper price and prices for other types of waste paper are already more affordable today. All that remains is to actively support everyone who decides to open processing plants.

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