Demand for recycled products is on the rise

waste paper

In developed countries, measures are being successfully taken to introduce a recycling system. The same waste paper is sent to recycling plants, after which it becomes the material for the manufacture of new products. According to waste paper suppliers in USA and other countries, this contributes to the development of the market for products made from recycled materials. Therefore, the demand for goods made from recycled raw materials is growing everywhere. Representatives of various businesses are trying to support recycling by all means. An example of this is the rejection of plastic products and the desire to use those products that are made from recycled materials.

One of the American airlines did just that. She gave up plastic cups. Now the company has begun to buy cups from recycled waste paper. This was done because there is a desire to take part in a global effort to rethink the use of single-use plastic, representatives of the air carrier said. Everyone knows that plastic, when it ends up in a landfill, causes great damage to the environment.

Representatives of the airline claim that, according to preliminary estimates, during the implementation of this idea, it will be possible to replace more than 55 million plastic cups. This is how many products are used to serve passengers every year. Instead of plastic cups, products made from recycled waste paper will be used.

It should be noted that abandoning plastic and replacing it with products made from recycled paper is the right decision. This solution will reduce the amount of plastic waste. Of course, plastic can also be recycled. But its recycling requires a more global approach, in contrast to the recycling of waste paper. Either way, the airline is doing the right thing. Because all types of businesses should participate in the process of reducing waste on the planet. It remains to be hoped that waste in the form of paper cups will be sent to recycling plants, and not end up in a landfill, where they will harm the environment.

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