Old unwanted books are recyclable

buy old books

In the list of waste paper types according to the ISRI catalog there is such a grade as 25-S Books with Covers. This is a book product that has no value. Recyclers often buy old books, recycle such waste paper and offer consumers of secondary raw materials a quality product that can be used to make various products. Books must be disposed of and recycled. However, it is clear that not every book can become waste paper. Why?

Not all books become waste paper. Among them there are specimens that are an object of cultural and historical value. Such books are always found either in museums or in state libraries, where they are carefully stored and monitored for their condition. Some valuable books are in private collections. Collectors of rare specimens buy them for a lot of money. It’s worth it. Because there are very valuable books. Their value lies not only in rarity. Often these are books that are written by famous writers. The texts of many copies are also valuable.

Books that have no value should be sent for recycling. Because, like other waste or used paper products, they end up as garbage that pollutes our planet. By recycling, it is possible to save energy resources, eliminate the cause of pollution, and reduce deforestation. Despite the development of digital technologies, books are still being published. This is correct, because a book made of paper cannot be replaced by a computer or other gadget. It is an object that deserves careful treatment. The book is helpful. All those books that are included in the library of every home can be considered valuable. Often such a library is inherited. And, of course, its contents should not be sent to the landfill.

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