Prices for cardboard waste fluctuate

Prices for cardboard waste

Used cardboard is a product demanded by processing companies. However, prices for cardboard secondary raw materials either rise or fall. The increase in cost is due to the constant shortage of raw materials for processing. A decrease in price indicates a decrease in demand, which rarely happens because there is always a shortage of waste paper for recycling. At the same time, price fluctuations in one direction or another are more often observed in certain regions of the world. Thus, it is known that in recent weeks, prices have decreased in terms of their indicators in Southeast Asia, as well as in some European countries, where the demand for waste cardboard has fallen.

If we understand what exactly causes the decline in demand for cardboard secondary raw materials, then we can establish the following fact. Packaging began to be produced, for the production of which used cardboard is used to a lesser extent. The cost of maintaining the production of goods from recycled cardboard is growing, which also causes a decrease in demand for the above product.

However, analysts are also predicting higher prices by the end of this year. They argue that the cost of cardboard waste will rise as factories have time to use up all their stocks by the beginning of the new year. Despite the fact that a new type of packaging has appeared, cardboard secondary raw materials are still required in large quantities for the purposes of the paper industry. In addition, as analysts of the waste paper market predict, the number of processing plants will grow in the coming years. Accordingly, they require a lot of raw materials for their functioning. Prices will definitely not fall, but, on the contrary, will rise. Considering that the entire development of the country is in favor of increasing the volume of processing, it is quite reasonable to conclude that cardboard secondary raw materials will be more in demand than throughout 2022.

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